Dating During The Pandemic

Whether you are single, finding love, or simply for the streets dating during the pandemic has been a wild ride. From self-care to family time, we are all trying to find peace amid such unsettling circumstances. I’ve been able to keep my mind busy by getting to know more people virtually. I’m typically known as the guy that is too busy for a relationship but longs for attention and intimacy- oop did I just read myself? So quarantine was the perfect time for me to slow things down and give people a chance. And it seems like I’m not alone, video calls on Bumble are up 70%, and people are having longer messaging conversations on Tinder, according to representatives from each app (article). So what are you waiting for? If you haven’t tried dating during quarantine, here are some reasons you should! (sn: the shirt is just a funny pun)
Spend More Time Getting To Know Each Other
Due to COVID restrictions, I was not jumping at the idea of going on an in-person date. Hence, quarantine allowed me to spend more time making meaningful swipes and developing strong connections. In addition, I was able to see how people were feeling about COVID, their love languages, future aspirations, and inquiry about personal passions/hobbies. While these seem like preliminary questions for any serious relationship, they are oftentimes given little thought at the beginning stages of talking.
In May, at the height of the 2020 civil unrest talking to “potential” partners about the social climate was one of the most exciting things for me. I got a chance to see how aware and conscious the other person was about social issues. As a Black person, my beliefs and views are HEAVY on the #BlackLivesMatter. So I knew I did want to talk to someone who even uttered the words “blue lives” or “it’s not that serious” or anything along the lines of respectability politics. Having more time to ask these questions made me feel more comfortable talking to potential partners.
More Creative Dates
Since my love language is acts of service, this was big for me. I wanted to see what creative ideas people (including myself) could come up with to keep me entertained while also practicing social distancing. The first date was always a virtual date; however, this was not your average Facetime call. We would drink wine together while eating dinner or watch a movie on Netflix Party, then talk afterward. Once the connection is established, we would discuss how comfortable we were with meeting in person while still practicing social distancing. We would do a cute picnic set up or a friendly sip & paint or even make s’mores outside together. Then finally, when you all are ready, you can take it to the next level and…. touch!!! Quarantine date ideas with someone you’re more comfortable with could become really fun. Whether that’s having a cooking competition, having a game night, karaoke night, or just watching a movie.
Lower Stakes but More Comfortability
We’ve all been there, you’re out on a date, and halfway through the date, you realize it’s not going to work out. But, you sit there and pretend to enjoy the person’s company before blocking them the next day. Or you have really bad anxiety and get awkward on dates so you make a bad first impression. Dating during times of quarantine allows you to be comfortable on the first date because it’ll be virtual. There is no pressure of meeting in person too fast. The pandemic is the perfect reason for wanting to take things slowly, which makes the stakes are lower and you probably will feel more comfortable moving at your own pace.
Below are some questions to keep in mind while dating during the quarantine.
What are my boundaries as they relate to social distancing and dates?
Do I really like the person? Or is the lack of intimacy and human interaction causing you to settle for this person?
How does this person act in social settings?