Travel: Los Angeles

Its 103 degrees outside, the smell of fame is in the air, and there's a Starbucks on every corner- welcome to LA. After coming back from Europe, my friends and I vowed to travel more, explore more, and just do more this semester. Since we go to school an hour outside of LA, we decided to take a trip into the city. From the Museum of Contemporary Art to Universal Studios, this was definitely a great way to start off the school year! I'll be back in LA soon, so drop some cool places in the comment section.
McConnell's Ice Cream: For dessert, I wanted something creamy but rich in flavor. McConnell's famous ice cream shop fulfilled my cravings with a freshly made waffle cone from and vanilla ice cream with frosted flakes mixed throughout. Talk about a sugar rush...
Umami Burger: If you want an all-American burger joint, Umami Burger is your place. Their burgers are freshly made-to-order and it honestly did not disappoint.
Kitchen 24: At this point in the day my friends and I were starving! With that said, I don't know if the food was really good or if I was just hungry. Kitchen 24 is a trendy restaurant that serves breakfast all day and a variety of cool dishes.
From Santa Monica Pier to Umami Burger
Universal Studios: My trip to LA would not have been complete if I didn't visit Universal Studios. Though I only walked around the city walk, it was a cool experience to see all the shops & restaurants.
Santa Monica Pier: My favorite place was the Santa Monic Pier because the energy at the beach is like none other. Where else can you eat chilly mangos, listen to live music, see break dancers, have an ocean breeze and birds trying to steal your food?
YouTube Space LA: Another place I enjoyed was YouTube Space LA. Unfortunately, we were not about to take video footage inside but I did get some cool pictures. In order to get a free a tour of the space, you have to be there for educational purposes. Luckily, my school sponsored this trip. Overall, seeing how creative people are and the opportunities YouTubers get, really inspired me to start up a channel.